

Report Abuse

We are committed to maintaining a secure network and take abuse complaints very seriously. We have a zero-tolerance policy for spam and accounts created for deceptive purposes.

Please note that our Hosting Service is monitored by our upstream provider, which partners with Netcraft, an Internet Service Company Specializing in security services. When we receive a report of mailicious activity, spam, compromised accounts or phishing attacks, we will respond within 12 hours of the complain.

To report abusive activity on our network, such as malware, spam, phishing, compromised or hacked websites, or domain registered for copyright infringement and deceptive use, please provide as much relevant information as possible. This will help us investigate and take appropriate action.

Trademark Infringement

If you have concerns about trademark infringement, the best approach is to reachout to a Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) arbitration provider.

Looking for more information? You can learn about UDRP process on the ICANN website. Learn More

Have you Spotted something that isn't right, contact us now.

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